Oh bizzy bee…

Oh bizzy rach with no time at ALL for blogs,
Who spent her weekend down the countryside playing in the bogs.
She went to fancy restaurants to eat,
Which in fairness had beautiful food without meat.
Conversing with new friends, robbing lawnmowers & acting the ham,
Playing on swings & getting freaked by some lady who lost her entire calm!
Before this I started on a lil project of my own,
And finished making two dolls which I have hand-sewn.
I am only home from a long day of study,
Starting to relax in a big comfy hoody.
My brother came in to tell me he’d written me a song,
So I recorded the divileen so you can all sing along >.<
I then myself whipped out some goodies to start making Easter cards
And since that is now done I’m going to raid the kitchen for lards.

These are the lil dolls I hand crafted *_*

(My Song) Here the lil bro taps along to a pre-recording. The song is called: ‘Good thing it’s not that crappy drum beat’ for Laque

(to be honest, i listen to this and like it but when i look up and see him tap one note i CRACK up)

And here we have lil bro trying to prove that he can actually play piano PROPERLY (do not be fooled..he actually DOES learn piano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This is the card that made me end up gluing mai hair to mai jumper….booooo ^-^


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